Tag: visual art

  • Jen Bervin- NETS

    Jen Bervin’s project Nets is one of my favorite usages of erasure poetry. In Nets, Bervin uses Shakespeare’s sonnets as her source text, and creates erasure poems from/within them. In her process note, Bervin writes: “I stripped Shakespeare’s sonnets bare to the ‘nets’ to make the space of the poems open, porous, possible––a divergent elsewhere.…

  • Shirin Salehi’s “Back From a Walk”

    Born in Tehran in 1982, Shirin Salehi is a visual artist, educator, and translator. She ­­regularly teaches classes and workshops at the Center for Book Arts in New York. Living between New York and Madrid, Salehi moves through her artistic practice in three languages: English, Spanish, and Persian. Salehi’s attention to language is evident in…